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2013 Northeast Zone Meet Review

by Bob Gray, posted September 27 2013

The zone meet started out with people from as far away as Canada from the north and New Jersey to our south arriving on Friday night. After check in on Friday night many people had the opportunity to wander the parking lot looking at the cars that were there and the chance to swap stories with other Studebaker owners. That all ended with the arrival of rain later on that evening.


Saturday started out rain free but remained overcast with what looked like rain clouds. The rain held off and although it was overcast it was a nice day. The show went well with about seventy cars and trucks and even a bus on hand. We had twenty Avanti’s on the show field, by far our largest class. After the show many members went back to their rooms to relax and get ready for the awards banquet. After a nice dinner at the banquet our MC for the evening George Manoogian got things underway. George told a few jokes, held the 50/50 raffle and gave away some door prizes. Then it was onto the awards, see our list of winners in this issue of the Studegram. Congratulations to Lynn Derosier for winning the 50/50 raffle.


Sunday was time to say goodbye but not until about six Studebakers drove over to tour the Sudbury Grist Mill. The tour was lead by Paul Derosier that went from the hotel to Sudbury approximately a twenty minute ride.


From the comments I have heard all those that attended this years zone meet seems to enjoy the event. The only disappointing thing was that only about half the cars that came were judged leaving some classes with no winners since it had no entrees.


Division I: Prewar 1902-46

1B Studebaker-Pierce Arrow, 6 & 8 Cylinder 1927-33

1st: 1928 President Henry Morse

1C Studebaker, 6 & 8 Cylinder 1934-46

1st: 1942 Champion Wayne Mullins

2nd: 1939 Commander Fred Radtke

Division II: Early Postwar 1947-58

2A Studebaker Cars, Sedans& Convertibles 1947-52

1st: 1950 Champion Jack & Kathy Rodhouse
2nd: 1950 Champion Charlie & Nancy Davis

3rd: 1952 Commander Jim Fairman

2B Studebaker/Packard Cars. Sedans, Convertibles & Wagons (except C&K) 1953-58
1st: 1957 Packard Chip Dayton


Division III: Lark Types 1959-66

3A Larks, 6 & 8 Cylinder (all) 1959-63

1st: 1960 Lark Ron Ober
2nd: 1962 Lark George Manoogian


3B Sedans, Convertibles & Wagons 6 & 8 Cylinder 1964-66

1st: 1964 Wagononaire Larry Golub

2nd: 1963 Daytona Wagononaire Ray & Vera Martin


Division IV: Coupes & Fin Hawks 1953-61

4A Starliner, Starlight & Speedster 1953-55

1st: 1954 Commander Dennis Luukko
2nd: 1953 Commander Rick Coughlin


4B Hawks (Studebaker & Packard) 1956-61

1st: 1961 Hawk Jim Glass
2nd: 1956 Golden Hawk Jaime Cardillo
3d: 1960 Hawk Bill Mulholland


Division V: Hawk, Gran Turismo 1962-64

5A Gran Turismo Hawk 1962-64

1st: 1963 Gran Turismo Hawk Jim Lashbrook
2nd: 1964 Gran Turismo Hawk Bob & Elizabeth Gray
3rd: 1963 Gran Turismo Hawk Bob Blackmer


Division VI: Avanti 1963-2007

6A Avanti (Studebaker) 1963-64

1st: 1963 Avanti Jack & Kathy Rodhouse

2nd: 1963 Avanti Chet & Ann Webster
3rd: 1963 Avanti Michael & Marilyn Fischev


6C Avanti (Blake, Kelley, Cafaro, Firebird & Mustang Platforms ,etc) 1983-up
1st: Avanti Mike Durso

2nd: 1989 Avanti Stephen Brown

2nd: 1989 Avanti Paul & Pam Savard
3rd: 1989 Avanti Howard Clayman


Division VII: Trucks (all years)

7A Trucks under 1-ton all years
1st: 1948 M-5 Pickup Gary & Jane Ash
2nd: 1963 8E-12 Champ Stan & Joan Jackson


7B Trucks 1-ton and over all years
1st: 1916 Bus Bob Valpey


Division VIII: Custom - all years - Studebaker Powered

8A Prewar & Postwar (all models) all years
1st: 1953 Starlight Coupe Curt & Cheryl Barnard
2nd: 1963 Hawk Bill & Miranda Rodhouse


Best of Divisions: Prewar 1902-46

1928 President Henry Morse


Best of Division: Postwar 1947-66

1953 Starlight Coupe Curt & Cheryl Barnard

Best of Division: Avanti 1963-2007

1984 Avanti Mike Durso

Best of Show: Northeast Zone Meet

1928 President- Henry Morse


2013 Zone Meet Gallery

Source: Studegram

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